Get The Mentorship, Contacts, and Support You Need to Succeed With Worm Farming!

From the desk of: Bentley “Compost Guy” Christie
Worm Farming Educator & Entrepreneur
Late Fall, 2019
Dear Worm Enthusiast,
If you’ve made it to this page, I’m guessing you have a pretty serious interest in worm farming.
Many of you are likely planning to start up some form of worm farming business.
(Or you already have one, and you’re ready to take things to the next level)
Some are likely thinking about starting up a large-scale vermicomposting project at a school, place of work, or some other organization.

And undoubtedly, there are more than a few of you who – like a lot of other WFA members – want to get more serious with worms on the home front. Turning more “wastes” into the world’s finest compost (yes, I am a little biased!), getting more serious about “vermigardening” and home food production. Or you’d even like to start up your full-fledged eco-farm.
Whatever your version of “serious” happens to be, you are definitely in the right place.
“What is the Worm Farming Alliance?”
The Worm Farming Alliance (WFA) is a community-driven membership for anyone wanting to take their vermicomposting/vermiculture efforts to the next level.
The group was originally created for those wanting to launch – or further develop – a worm farming business. This is still a major focus – but our member base contains a diversity of people from all walks on life, and with a variety of goals and interests. Plain and simple, if you are interested in moving beyond “hobby level” worm farming, there’s a good chance the WFA is right for you!
“What Makes the WFA So Special?”

For decades, this has been a field well-known for its secrecy. There are no trade journals, or really, any serious publications at all. While you can find a wealth of information on the topic online, much of it is recycled and outdated. A lot more focus has been placed on information and groups geared towards vermicomposting hobbyists.
Over the years, various attempts have been made to form official associations (like those found in other industries), but without much success.
To add insult to injury, the worm farming industry has been plagued by marketing hype and downright scams. Most of this occurred in the 70’s and 80’s, but to this day there are rip-off artists continuing to separate unsuspecting victims from their hard-earned money.
The WFA is unlike ANY other worm farming resource available today!
Unlike what’s going on in the public groups and forums – where everyone with an ounce of confidence has the opportunity to play “expert” (and it often seems like the most clueless ones are the loudest), as a WFA member you are going to be part of an incredibly open, knowledgeable, supportive community – so you can get any questions you have answered, along with double-helpings of genuine encouragement from those on a similar path.
Some time ago, while attempting to distill the WFA down into its key components, I came up with the acronym, M.E.C.C.A.
Mentorship – One of the best ways to reduce your learning curve, save time, and even save money is to find people who are successfully doing what you want to do, and to learn from them. The challenge a lot of the time (especially in less-mainstream fields like worm farming) is actually finding these people.
Education – It’s no secret that expanding your knowledge base is a very important part of getting serious about any field of endeavor. While the web has certainly helped with the spread of information, the problem is that it can be very difficult to determine what’s “high quality” (and reliable) information, and what’s not.
Community – Venturing out on your own – especially when trying to start up a business – can be a lonely, frustrating experience. Having your own “family” of supportive, like-minded people to interact with (as often as you like) can mean the difference between success and failure.
Collaboration – We all have our own unique strengths (skills, background experience, knowledge etc) and resources. With each passing day it’s becoming more and more important to find and work with others who have complementary strengths and resources. You know what they say about being a “Jack of All Trades”! 😉
Advancement – Naturally, the first step – and a critical step – is focusing on our own worm farming journey, and working to achieve some level of success in that realm. But ultimately, we need to think “big picture”. After all, the more we do to help to “spread the worm”, the brighter the future for all of us (and of course, the world in general).
M.E.C.C.A represents the areas of major focus and importance for the Worm Farming Alliance. Acting as a sort of “core guidance system” to help us continue moving in the right direction.
I’ll be the first to admit that I tried to do far too much with the WFA during the first 8 years. My original vision was to build the “ultimate” everything-but-the-kitchen-sink all-in-one worm farming resource – but more recently I’ve come to realize that a much more stream-lined and focused resource – makes a LOT more sense!
We’ll come back to this further down.
“WFA helped me a lot…” “WFA helped me a lot since I joined. Got very good ideas, opinions, advice, and help on the business side. Meet people that are on the same size and the same mindset on worm farming.”
~ Andy Loy
“The investment has been so worth it.”
“I am so glad I did the WFA even running on a skinny shoestring. The investment has been so worth it. Thanks Bentley!”~ Deborah Hartley
Missoula MT
“How Do I Get Involved?”

If there is ONE thing I’ve learned as a result of all our various “launches” and promotions for the WFA, it’s that keeping things a simple as possible is definitely the best way to go!
Early on, we had a single, straight-forward “lifetime” membership offer that opened up periodically as an opportunity for new members to come on board. It worked very well – and quite a few of those original “lifers” are still very active, important members of the community (not to mention the ones most-satisfied with their investment).
And then, I had to go and mess things up (over-complicating everything)!
In an effort to make the “ultimate” resource gameplan a more viable option, I felt it was important to switch to a subscription-based membership. Recurring payments, multiple options.
I’m not gonna lie – the whole thing turned into a big mess.
No need to re-hash all that here. But the bottom-line is that we realized something had to change in a BIG way if we had any hope of ensuring a bright future for the group.
It was time to trim away the fat, stream-line the core focus, and bring back the single, “lifetime-access” joining fee!
Most of the existing subscribers were simply grand-fathered over (their subscriptions stopped), while newer members were given the chance to upgrade at a very low price.
I won’t claim it was an “easy” process – but it sure feels good to have now put that stage behind us, and to start welcoming new “lifers” to the group.
There is strength in numbers, and with each new member – especially lifetime members – the WFA gets stronger!
Some More Worm Farming Alliance Member Feedback…
“…thank you so much for helping me to build my website” “It is SO refreshing to be involved with other wormhead novices and professionals alike who freely exchange ideas and advice on the forum and are truly concerned with my success. What a difference this makes! Just the advantage of purchasing worms wholesale (I’ve done this twice so far) is worth the price of membership …thank you so much for helping me to build my website and especially for all the personal help in answering all my silly emails.”
~ Ralph Mills
“…I will continue to be a member for many more years to come.” “I’ve been a member of Worm Farming Alliance since the beginning of 2011. What I like about WFA is the one-on-one’s I have with Bentley. I have had my struggles of building a vermicomposting business every now and then. Bentley has helped see me through any issues I’ve had through all of my trials and tribulations. He has guided me through setting up my website, and even at times going into my website to fix and move things around to make things better…I know I will continue to be a member for many more years to come.”
~ Stephen McGuire
McGuire Organics
“If you ever plan to make a dollar with earthworms, then you absolutely must join Worm Farming Alliance.” “If you ever plan to make a dollar with earthworms, then you absolutely must join Worm Farming Alliance. Without the expertise of the experienced growers of WFA and especially to the marketing insights provided by Bentley himself, I don’t think I would have started the Urban Worm Company.”
~ Steve Churchill
Urban Worm Company
“I Don’t Live in USA – Is The WFA Still Relevant to Me?”
Yes absolutely!

The WFA is a truly GLOBAL community. I myself live in Canada. George Mingin (very prominent member and large-scale worm farming pro) is from Australia, along with a handful of other members.
Off the top of my head, I know we have members from Germany, UK, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Greece, New Zealand, South Africa, Denmark, Philippines…
Yes, most of our members are from the U.S., and yes the U.S. based members have the “advantage” of being able to get great deals on worms and Urban Worm Bag purchases for themselves (all members can drop-ship to U.S. customers), but again, it is the community (and connection with others on a similar path) itself that is the most important part of the membership .
“What If The WFA Isn’t Right For Me?”
Absolutely NO problem!

Take the membership for a test drive over the next 60 days and decide if the group is something you want to remain a part of .
If you’re not fully satisfied with your one-time investment, it’s just a simple matter of dropping me an e-mail and asking for a refund. No hassles – no questions asked.
The only thing we do request is that you give us a chance – please try things out for 30 days.
~ Bentley “Compost Guy” Christie
“Ok, So How Much is it to Join?”
Our most recent one-time (“lifetime”) joining fee was $97 – and it’s a price new members were happy to take advantage of.
Again, this is a high-quality group for those who are serious about worm farming (you’d be amazed what happens when you repel the freebie-seekers and instant-expert crowd)! This is a one-time invesment (and very likely a tax write-off if you have a business…but please consult with a tax professional lol).
Honestly, this old lifetime price is in need of an upgrade!
But here’s the thing…
During this transition period, while the paint is still drying (and we’re still trying to round up existing members) we want to reward patient new members with a special deal.
Rather than charging $127, or even the old $97, we’re going to make the new lifetime-access plan available for $67 (USD) while we continue to get our ducks in a row.
One payment. Permanent connection to a growing community of real experts and (just generally) serious worm folk just like you!
“So, What Do I Get Access To?”
As touched on earlier, we’ve been busy stream-lining the membership (a LOT). The member community has always been at the heart of the WFA – and the most important part by far – and as such, building this community and making it the central focus of the new membership is now our primary focus.
Our private Facebook discussion group continues to be the main meeting spot for members – a great place to ask questions and make connections with others in the WFA community.
Even those who don’t like Facebook are encouraged to create accounts solely for accessing the private group. Using a “pen name”, without sharing your personal info – and logging in and out as needed – is a great way avoid a lot of the negative aspects of the platform.
That being said…
We have a new “no member left behind” policy – so even if you flat-out refuse to use FB (even with a dedicated non-personal account), we are going to work hard to make sure you still get the most out of the membership.
Our main communication channel will be the WFA e-mail list. We are putting together an ongoing e-mail series (work-in-progress) to share with you, but also plan to have periodic “round-up” newsletters, where we share some of the most lively discussion topics, WFA (and member) news, and anything of note going on in the wider “world of worms”.
If you have questions you would like posted in the FB group on your behalf, we are more than happy to do so!
“Yes Bentley, I Realize…”
- This is an online resource. I won’t receive anything in the mail.
- I’ll be paying ONCE, and will have full access to the group (e-mail list etc) and any future WFA opportunities & add-ons for as long as I want.
- I’m taking advantage of a special “transition period” offer – and will need to be a bit more patient than other members who wait to join later on.
- I’m risking absolutely nothing since I can test things out for a full 60 days and decide if the WFA is for me (if not, I can easily get a refund).
- This is not a “business-on-a-silver-platter” program. There will be plenty of work, and additional expenses involved if I plan to set up a worm farming business.
“What Happens After I Place My Order?”
After you complete the sign-up process on the checkout page (don’t forget to double-check your email address), you will be redirected to a Thank-You page.
Please then check your e-mail inbox. You should receive: 1) a receipt from Worm Farming Alliance (Important Note: it will likely say “Montco Organics” on your billing statement), and 2) A welcome email from the WFA e-mail list.
If you don’t see these emails please check SPAM or under “Promotions” tab (Gmail), and get in touch if you still don’t see them!