General Worm Business
What to Do During the Worm Farming “Slow Seasons”
A worm farming business can be a deeply satisfying endeavor – but it is not without its challenges (understatement of the year – lol). One major challenge us “pro” worm farmers need to contend with is the rise and fall of demand at different times of year. Naturally, there tends to be a LOT of […]
The Wormz Organic Scam & The Ugly Face of Worm Farming
Earlier this summer, I was disheartened to learn that “Wormz Organic” had turned out to be a worm business scam operation. I certainly viewed the enterprise with healthy skepticism – their repeated requests (sent to me and multiple worm farming friends) for quotes on HUGE quantities of worms, along with the overall ‘feel’ of their […]
7 Fun Ways to Make Money With Worms
I thought it would be fun to create an email mini-series exploring just some of the ways you can “make money with worms”! It’s important to point out that not all of them actually involve selling worms – but each idea IS somehow tied in to vermicomposting (or at least can be). Obviously the term […]
Super Simple Shelving System
Back in August I decided to try my hand at indoor worm farming once again (i.e. raising worms to be sold – not to be confused with my usual indoor vermicomposting activities). As WFA members (who have been through some of the early Modern Worm Farming Videos) may recall, back when I first started my […]
Small Worm Business – Part III – Selling Worm Castings
Those who have followed along through my various “worm business” writings, videos etc – especially WFA members – will probably know that I’ve put a lot of emphasis on selling primarily worms, and just generally trying to stick with an overall K.I.S.S. philosophy. One of the early Modern Worm Farming videos even explains why I’ve […]
Small Worm Biz – Part II – Selling Worms
Today I’d like to get back to talking about operating a “Small Part-Time Worm Business” – specifically, I’d like to explore worm selling itself. In my next post I will write about selling worm castings. Selling composting worms has been the primary means of revenue-generation for my own small, part-time (“real world”) worm composting business […]
The Small Part-Time Worm Business
Those of you who have gone through my Modern Worm Farming Mini-Course (UPDATE: I have plans to revamp this before making it publicly available again – feel free to sign up for my “7 Fun Ways to Make Money with Worms” mini-series in the meantime), and/or who are just generally familiar with my overall business […]